Staff Secure Area
Welcome to the Staff Secure Area.
I have put the planning for the first week on here for you to download, with all the resources you need. Please read carefully at the bottom of each day for assembly information.
Please download all the files and save what you need. Let me know if you feel you are missing parts that you need or that you are unable to open something. Let me know if you need a resource and I can either locate it within school or source it from elsewhere.
Use the activities as you feel fit - you will not be able to get all of the activities completed over the week. Most of these activities are also meant to support you in getting displays sorted early on and make classrooms look and feel bright and inviting.
You will need to make your own power points for your class animal/name and change the titles on the report writing paper (for example Blackbirds Report Writing Format) . I have left the old ones on the here so you can see the details I included. Names that are required for activities will also need to be changed.
They do take a while to open and download. I have also placed all resources and planning on the M Drive.
Thank you and ENJOY!
Further Resources and Ideas