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Welcome to the Turquoise class page!

Welcome back to Tithe Farm! 

Turquoise class is taught by Miss Kambli and supported by Mrs Bowley. Mrs Middleton will be teaching in class on a Tuesday. 

You will be entering and leaving the school through the red end door, nearest the gates. Your lockers are located outside our classroom, then head straight across to Turquoise class! 

Reading: 5 times a week is the minimum school requirement. This needs to be recorded in your Reading Record and signed by a parent or carer ready to be collected in at school on a Monday morning every week. Quizzes need to be completed every week and these can be done within school or at home. 

Homework: there are four tasks to complete each week for homework. Homework is set on a Wednesday and must be submitted the following Wednesday. Children need to:

  • Read 5 times a week (please see above).
  • Practice spellings (this can be in any method)
  • Times Tables Rockstars 
  • Atom Learning weekly task (Maths and English tasks each week).

If you need support with Times Tables Rockstars or Atom Learning, please share this with your class teacher. There is an opportunity for children to complete their homework on a Tuesday lunchtime in homework club. If children haven't completed their homework, then they are expected to complete their homework during lunchtime on a Thursday. 

All children have their username and passwords for Times Tables Rockstars and Atom Learning on their learning log. If you require an extra copy of the details, then ask your class teacher.

PE days will be:

Monday - please come into school dressed in your SCHOOL PE kits.

Friday - please come into school dressed in your SCHOOL PE kits.


We are now into Cycle 1 of our learning - People of the World.

For our learning, we will be using the Who let the Gods Out. This will be accompanied by interesting topics such as the ancient Greeks (Knowledge of the World), and States of Matter (Science).